However, 'stained glass' has become a term in our language and to try to change it now would only add to the confusion. The term 'stained glass' seems to have come into use around the beginning of the nineteenth century as a contraction of ‘painted and stained glass’ in the Middle Ages it was simply called 'glass' or 'glaziers’ work' in Germany it is 'Glasmalerie' and in France it is 'vitrail'. The Oscar Niemeyerdesigned cathedrals distinctive stained glass was created by artist Marianne Peretti in 1990. But it is still rather like describing paintings as ‘painted canvas’ or sculpture as ‘wrought stone’. Above the altar is a large octagon shaped stained glass window that features a white dove.
Several tall, slender stained glass windows line the walls of the church. This includes a stone circle that marks the official center of the city of San Antonio. Indeed, if by “stained” one means the application of silver oxide to colorless glass to give a yellow color, there are many windows in which this is quite absent on the other hand, if the word ‘stained’ means the basic coloring of the molten glass – the point at which color ‘strikes’ or becomes fused – ‘colored glass would be a more apt description. Various stone carvings and statues reside throughout the church and behind the altar. The church was designed by Richard Upjohn around 1839 and completed in 1846. The very phrase stained glass is a stumbling block, for we have a great art form described by words that relate only to one part of its process. A design for church stained glass, as a permanent addition to the building, needs to be backed up by some theological resonance and depth. The Landmarks Preservation Commission is set to review proposals from Trinity Church and MBB Architects to replace the multi-story stained glass window above the entrance of the historic Episcopal Church at 75 Broadway in the Financial District. Its essential form is two-dimensional, non-tactile mostly monumental in scale and placed (normally) in non-utilitarian buildings for the purpose of assisting the creation of a special atmosphere as required/requested/commissioned.

Stained glass, in strictly technical terms, can be described as an assemblage of variously colored pieces of glass supported in a single flat plane by leads and fixed more or less permanently in a frame of stone, wood, or metal the design being expressed partly by the arrangement of the shapes of glass and leads, and partly by the addition of glass paint and stains rendered impervious to erasure by being fired into the surface of the glass before leading-up (or glazing). Architecture studio Inuce has created a church wrapped in 100,000 panes of stained glass that aims to combine Christian tradition and Chinese local.